Monday, February 21, 2011

Twitter anyone?

Yes people and peopo-ets! ( <= Inside Joke!)

    I Danny Evans! Now have a twitter! I know I KNOW! I said I wouldn't ever go for a trend like it! BUT! HEY! What could it hurt right? I might as well make use of the APP on my BlackBerry!  =) anywho! If you have a twitter and your sayin' "But Danny! I have a twitter! How can I find you so that I too can follow you on there!?"
Well, my good friend! all you gotta do is go to and find me! My user on Twitter is @dannyevanstweet :)  See you there!

Thanks GUYS! Be coming with a VIDEO update soon! Promise! I know it's been a while!


Friday, February 18, 2011


Alright everyone,
   I just finished my session in the recording studio, got two songs down pat, mmm Still a lil tweaking here and there but over all! still got some good recording done! a lil more pre production needs to be done like I said but other then that! I will def be posting some stuff soon! :)

It was over all the best experience by far! My producer Mike was really great to work with! and lots of ideas where thrown and I really like where this is going! and going to go! Lots of talk about collaborations going on, original track ideas, bigger and better sounds along with going with a unique turn. Just to name a few of the subjects pulled into the talks Me, Mike and my manager Rob had. Can't really say too, too much right now about the details. BUT PLEASE STAY TUNED Y'ALL! I will be posting a video soon! :)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Hey everyone! Just another UPDATE on whats going on with RECORDING!

  As you know! I posted a video earlier about me recording or what not like two weeks ago or so! Well The things is it didn't exactly go as planned cause well stuff comes up at work, weather it's at my job or my managers or the studio mixer guy! :P BUT we are STILL RECORDING I'm working on some more stuff for the YouTube page and of course inspiration is as HIGH as EVER! =) Man am I ever excited!

Well, for one... I've been doing my research on YouTube Celebs and I kinda like some of their angels shall we say?... FOR ONE! I don't know if anyone knows this particular one BUT his name is Tyler Ward! and ON THERE! He is like the collaboration GOD! In my opinion, and well it's shown me working with others may not be a downfall or "Helping THEM" when you should be "helping" yourself into more hits, It might just HELP YOU spread yourself out there WHILE helping others in creating some great music! :) Thus concluding making EVERYONE the winner in that situation...

Possible idea?... It's put me into A LOT of though this past week! hmm Maybe I should contact TYLER myself once I've situated some of my own mark :) All in all! I'm soo in it for the experience and the opportunity in learning new skills vocally and in the performance aspect! =) and Make some possible new friends! :P

What do you think guys?

Also, Has anyone seen this weeks Glee episode? Yeah, EXACTLY WHAT I WAS THINKING! Right? The scene where Rachel and Mercedes Collaborated in anger and created  that amazing performance that kept everyone captivated? and the whole IDEA of Sue in Glee and how she gave them possibly one of the best ideas they've had for the finals? ....

Think about it!?!


Monday, February 7, 2011

Once apon a snowy night.....

Well, to start off! I don't know if many of you know this BUT! lol I do live in Canada and in Canada WINTERS ARE NOT EASY! lol But none the less SO! MUCH! FUN! When the snow hits :P haha I was over my friends house one night and me and his cousin and the cutest child in this planet (also the smartest lil she-devil) decided LETS GO MAKE A SNOW MAN! lol :p A snow fight broke out! IN WHICH I WILL POST THE VID SOON! and well the "cousin" decides she was going to fight back and throw a snow ball at me when with it came her $10,000 RING!!!!!!! :O No, we ended up losing it and NO, we have still not found it yet! lol soo now we are sitting with a HE/SHE SNOW PERSON (see picture below) and a backyard NOW worth over $10,000 smack-a-roose! :S

Well..... LMAO We'll keep looking! :P but untill then here is the infamous SNOW THING! and below a snow man I found at the back door (where the service trucks come in to bring our STALK UP..... Can you tell I work at McDonalds? LMAO

this is the one I found at work! :P

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

FINNALY! A video of me singing! LIVE!

Hey everyone!
     Ok I know this isn't what you expected just yet! but! of course I will be posting more! For now I thought I could set you guys off with a lil LIVE performance I did at my old high school when they invited me back and all! :P